An overview of our homes

Our houses are decorated and furnished beautifully and to a high standard, each with a fully equipped kitchen and food cupboards for all. Each young person has their own fully furnished bedroom and they have access to either shared or dedicated living rooms.

The houses are adequately fitted with safety and security features which include fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are inspected on a regular basis.


Kitchens are fully equipped with utensils and appliances to enable Young People to prepare their own food as we help them to make the right food choices.


Our dining rooms/areas are functional in allowing residents to enjoy their meals together or as individuals.

Living Rooms

We create living rooms that are homely, comfortable and happy places to be. We promote our Young People's freedom and sense of ownership by allowing them to make changes to their living spaces so they can feel more homely.


Bedrooms are warm and adequately furnished to provide comfortable rest and secure storage of personal belongings.

Outdoors at Home

Outdoor spaces are important in the way they provide an opportunity to relax, unwind and perhaps get satisfaction from beautifying the home by tending the plants. So our provisions mostly have direct access to private gardens.

Local Area

It is very important for young people to be connected and easily get from one place to another. Thus we ensure our homes are within easy reach of local amenities which are important for development and well-being.